Wednesday, April 19, 2017

'Iron Lady' May shows her mettle as she seeks Brexit mandate with election U-turn

A woman carries a bookie
A woman carries a bookie's board after Theresa May announced an election Photo: REUTERS / Peter Nicholls
Dearbhail McDonald

Dearbhail McDonald Twitter Email

  • 'Iron Lady' May shows her mettle as she seeks Brexit mandate with election U-turn
    One of the criticisms routinely levelled at women in senior leadership roles is that they are not decisive - or at least not as decisive as our male counterparts.
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One of the criticisms routinely levelled at women in senior leadership roles is that they are not decisive - or at least not as decisive as our male counterparts.

That's one charge that can't now be levelled against British Prime Minister Theresa May who stunned the world yesterday morning when she called a surprise snap election.

The former home secretary caught her critics and the markets off guard when a press conference was called for 11.15am. The rumour mill offered all manner of reasons for the sudden hot take outside Downing Street, including unfounded speculation that she was about to retire on health grounds.

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