Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Big election majority would strengthen UK's hand for arm-wrestle with the EU 27 that is still to come


Andrew Grice

  • Big election majority would strengthen UK's hand for arm-wrestle with the EU 27 that is still to come
    This will be a Brexit general election in every sense of the word. Although the parties will talk about the economy and public services, Theresa May will turn it into a referendum on her vision for Brexit and "getting on with the job" of implementing the people's decision last year.
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This will be a Brexit general election in every sense of the word. Although the parties will talk about the economy and public services, Theresa May will turn it into a referendum on her vision for Brexit and "getting on with the job" of implementing the people's decision last year.

In her surprise statement, she positioned herself as the anti-Westminster champion who is taking on those MPs and peers who want to block or water down Brexit. It is quite an achievement for a prime minister to pose as the anti-establishment candidate.

The Liberal Democrats and the SNP will fight the election on a platform of opposing the hard Brexit offered by Mrs May, who has made clear the UK would leave the single market and customs union under her strategy.

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