Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Desperate killer Graham Dwyer is begging for support with 12 letters a week

Desperate killer Graham Dwyer is writing up to a dozen letters a week to assure friends and supporters that he will be acquitted of murder when his appeal is heard next year.

The letter-writing campaign comes as Dwyer (44) grows increasingly annoyed that friends have stopped writing to him or now only occasionally reply, a Midlands Prison source revealed.

A large part of Dwyer's correspondence now involves people previously unknown to him who have started writing to him in prison.


Elaine O'Hara's twisted killer was already fuming after several of the clubs and associations he had been involved with since his teenage years ended all contact with him following the shocking revelations at his trial in the Central Criminal Court last year.

These include social groups and schools in Dwyer's native Bandon, Co Cork, and model aircraft clubs he was involved with in Dublin.

Twisted killer Graham Dwyer Picture: Collins Dublin
Twisted killer Graham Dwyer Picture: Collins Dublin
  • Read More: Evil killer Graham Dwyer giving architectural advice to fellow inmates for DVDs

Dwyer was a key figure in organising the 20th anniversary dinner of his 1991 Leaving Cert class, but it is understood he has not been contacted about any 25th reunion plans.

His family, however, has remained loyal.

The architect is a keen letter writer, but has become cautious in recent months over fears that some of the letters he receives could be from journalists.

His access to the internet and to films is restricted.

However, he has been devot- ing enormous energy to his impending appeal.

A vegetarian, Dwyer follows a strict fitness regime in prison and is one of the most avid users of the library.

Dwyer was convicted of murdering Ms O'Hara (36) on August 22, 2012.

The skeletal remains of the childcare worker were found on Killakee Mountain, Rathfarnham, on September 13, 2013.

After a lengthy trial, the Central Criminal Court jury convicted Dwyer of stabbing Ms O'Hara to death for his own sexual gratification.

His appeal, now likely to be heard early next year, will centre on a number of forensic, evidential and technical issues.


These include how gardai obtained evidence from a bin outside his home, the admission of critical telecommunications data, allowing a key witness to give evidence via video-link, the admissibility of key material obtained from Ms O'Hara's IT devices and the impact of allow- ing video recordings, some involving violent sexual activity, to be viewed by the jury.

A central plank of Dwyer's appeal will be post-trial comments by State Pathologist Prof Marie Cassidy.

In remarks after Dwyer's conviction last year, Prof Cassidy said she had expected a not-guilty verdict because of the lack of pathology evidence to support the claim that Ms O'Hara had met a violent death.


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