Sunday, October 30, 2016

Fine Gael TD turns down pay rise

Fine Gael TD Noel Rock. Photo: Tom Burke
Fine Gael TD Noel Rock. Photo: Tom Burke

A Fine Gael politician has decided not to take a €2,707 pay rise due to all TDs next April.

Dublin North West TD Noel Rock is the first government TD to indicate he won’t take the pay restoration.

Cabinet ministers are also due to agree next week that they won’t take hikes worth almost €4,000 next year.

Mr Rock said: “My personal position is that it is not necessary for me to take the TD wage increase.”

Independent TD for Roscommon Michael Fitzmaurice has already asked the Oireachtas not to hike his wages.

Sinn Féin and the Social Democrats have said the rises should not be paid.

Online Editors

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