Saturday, January 7, 2017

Playing misogyny card has left Foster as a busted flush

Northern Ireland’s First Minister Arlene Foster, right, with Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness. Photo: Brian Lawless/PA
Northern Ireland’s First Minister Arlene Foster, right, with Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness. Photo: Brian Lawless/PA

Nothing gives women a bad name like the cynical use of the woman-as-victim card. Arlene Foster has thrown down her misogyny claims as though conjuring an ace - in reality they turn her into a busted flush.

What poor judgment she is showing at every turn in the current Stormont crisis, exposing herself as a third-rate minister - not least because she has been hardboiled throughout, without the slightest breath of humility. You can but wonder who's advising her in the DUP, and whether their intentions are Machiavellian: positioned for a power grab if she topples.

Consider, too, the possibility that she might be acting on instinct, in which case her capacity to steer the North towards a secure, prosperous and peaceful future must be questioned.

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