Thursday, January 19, 2017

'Criminals are hiding out here as it's seen as a quiet area'

Gardaí gather evidence near where the car was found Photo: Frank McGrath
Gardaí gather evidence near where the car was found Photo: Frank McGrath

Locals in Lucan have called for more surveillance and Garda resources in the wake of yesterday's gang murder.

Gardaí were initially called to investigate two shots fired at a house on Liscarne Gardens, Ronanstown, at 3.55am.

Moments later, a number of men in several cars were involved in a chase from Liscarne for 7km.

At around 4.05am, a car sped into the Esker Glebe estate, chased by other cars that crashed into it. The first car knocked a signpost out of the grass verge.

Panicked residents called gardaí to alert them to what was happening.

In the next few minutes, Neil Reilly (36) was attacked by a gang of five men, stabbed and then driven over.

He was left on the roadway to die as the group fled.

Residents came to the aid of the injured Mr Reilly.

An ambulance was called and Mr Reilly was rushed to Connolly Hospital in Blanchardstown but was pronounced dead.

Residents spoke of their shock at the brutal killing outside their homes.

"I woke up around 4am and heard voices outside the house," one neighbour said.

"I looked out the window and saw a man lying on a grass verge outside the house.

"[He was] on the ground turning and moaning. It was horrible. I could not sleep after what happened and I don't know if I'll be able to sleep tonight. I'm very upset," he said.

"This was supposed to be a very safe area but this is a bit scary," he added.

A woman in her 50s said: "It's hard to believe. I find it really upsetting. I came out of my house and saw all the blue lights flashing. It's awful."

Independent councillor and Deputy Mayor of South Dublin County Council Liona O'Toole said that she was shocked that yet another violent attack had happened in Lucan after "an incident only a couple of months ago".

"Lucan needs more surveillance and resources put in place than other areas around Dublin because it's perceived as a quieter area, but this incident shows that it isn't the case," she said.

"It feels like criminals are hiding out in the Lucan area rather than where they are actually from. This has been happening for a long time."

Fine Gael councillor William Lavelle said Lucan has been dragged down by the "heinous crime."

Irish Independent

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