Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Shane Coleman: The Government will limp on, but the writing is on the wall for Enda Kenny

Enda Kenny at a 1916 Rising exhibition in 2016. Photo: Mark Condren
Enda Kenny at a 1916 Rising exhibition in 2016. Photo: Mark Condren

So yesterday didn't bring about the end of the Government. But there's little doubt that we witnessed the beginning of the end of Enda Kenny's tenure as Taoiseach.

In his six years in the top job, Kenny never appeared weaker and more beleaguered than he did at Leader's Questions yesterday.

In the context of the appalling wrongs that have been done to the McCabe family, what the Taoiseach did or didn't say to Katherine Zappone around the time the Children's Minister was due to meet Sgt Maurice McCabe is largely irrelevant.

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