A baby skin is very thin and sensitive to sun. Within, ten – fifteen minute, exposure direct sunlight, causes sunburn. When a baby is placed, inside baby car seat, unaware seat and buckles, been exposed direct sunlight, will burn baby’s skin. Sunburns can be very painful and serious health problems, including dehydration and fever. Estimates, one in every 100 children, may eventually develop melanoma, most deadly type, of skin cancer.
Treating mild or less severe, baby sunburns, applying onto the area, a washcloth been soaked, in cool water. Applying wash cloth, onto skin for fifteen minutes, a few times a day or more, but cautiously, observing for any chills. Alternatively, bath baby in cool water and baking soda, cools the skin, and reduces redness. Applying, moisturizer containing aloe vera, vitamin ‘E’ oil or Noxema, cools down skin temperature, reduce redness, and discomfort. Provide, plenty of fluids, preventing dehydration. Severe sunburns or blistering of the skin, associated second degree burns, needs attentions of a physician or pediatrician, immediately. Prescribed treatment includes, applying ointments, creams, dressing of blisters, and relieving pain, taking infant non-aspirin.

Certainly, prevention is best method, from sunburn, any age. According, Dr. Paul J. Honing, chief of Dermatology, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, severe sunburn or continued exposure to the sun early in life, may be correlated, with skin cancer, later in life. Furthermore, a child has two severe sunburns, before the age of 18, generally, greater risk of skin cancer. Dr. Honig warns, protecting the skin with baby oil, enhances damaging effect, of the sun’s ultraviolet rays. Importantly, Children have greater risk of skin cancer: Fair to light skin complexion, family history of skin cancer, history of sunburn early in life, typical moles or larger number of moles, freckles, and long duration sunlight exposure. Living, closer to the equator, during peak summer months or between 10 AM – 4 PM, sun provides, strongest rays. Living in high altitudes, greater exposure to the sun. Every 1,000 feet of altitude, increases sun’s rays by five percent, especially, living in Denver, exposure is 25 percent stronger. Baby should wear, long-sleeved shirt, tight woven clothing (prevents sunlight), light colored clothing, and loosely woven fabrics. Fabric labeled, Ultraviolet Protection Factor (UPF) value, provides a level of protection, from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. Ultraviolet Protection rating of twenty, allows 1/20 of the sun’s UV radiation, pass through or reduces, skin’s UV radiation exposure, by twenty times. Higher Ultraviolet Protection Factor, provide greater UV protection. Preferable, a baby should wear, sunglasses with UV-protection, and have big lenses, exposure to the sun. A child vision can worsen, after years of exposure to the sun, without any protection. Outside, attach an umbrella or canopy, when using a stroller. Otherwise, sun-protective tent, provides sun-protection, baby is playing or resting. Directly exposure to the sun, apply sunscreen or lotion, exposed areas. Contact your pediatrician, recommended sunscreens or lotions. Babies over six months old, applying waterproof sunscreen, designed for children, and labeled ‘broad spectrum,’ protecting against, both ultraviolet B (UVB), and ultraviolet A (UVA) rays. Additional protection, by apply zinc oxide, upon areas of the skin, more perceptible to sunburn, such as nose and lips. Same for adult skin protection.
Sunscreen protects the skin, by absorbing or blocking, and scattering UV radiation. Degree of protection rated by Sun Protection Factor (SPF) system. The higher SPF rating, adult or baby exposure sun longer, before getting sunburn. Applying, an SPF ’15,’ exposure to the sun, for 150 minutes, prevents sunburn. Recommend, applying new sunscreen, onto a small area of a baby skin, and observing, for allergic reaction, of rash or redness. Applying, sunscreen 20 minutes, before exposure to sun, enough time for skin absorption. Reapplying sunscreen, recommended, after a baby or adult, played in water or has been sweating. Otherwise, reapplying every thirty minutes, during sun exposure. If eyes are exposed to sunscreen, cause irritation, apply plenty of water to the eye, reduces discomfort, and contacting a physician, if irritation continues. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends sunscreen, protective sun hats, sunglasses, and clothing.
Sun light absorbs and provides Vitamin ‘D’ or ‘sunshine vitamin,’ essential for developing strong bones, and calcium absorption. Sufficient, amount of time, baby exposed to sunlight per day is five to thirty minutes, depending how sensitive, a baby skin reacts. Avoid, strongest sun light, between hours 10 AM, and 2 PM. During winter months, absorption of vitamin ‘D,’ is limited, because sunlight contains, a limited amount of ultraviolet rays, produce vitamin ‘D.’